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Pink Beach, The Pink in East Lombok

Not as popular tourist attraction Terawangan Gili (North Lombok), or Kute Beach (Central Lombok), Pink Beach has not been known. This beach is located in the hamlet Temeak, Serewe Village, District Jerowaru, East Lombok, or 82 kilometers south-east of the city of Mataram.

Local people call it beach barracks, although the name is increasingly buried by the name Pink Beach. Called pink because white sand mixed with fragments of red coral. When exposed to seawater, and afternoon or morning sun, sand grains subtly changes color to pink. Reportedly, in the world there are seven beaches pink sand as in the Bahamas, a dangkan in Indonesia there are also on the island of Komodo.

The name of the barracks because the surrounding area, such as Tanjung Ringgit-face with the ocean Indonesia, or 1 kilometer southeast Pink Beach-be headquarters of the Japanese army in World War II.

The existence of Tanjung Ringgit cannon at about 1 kilometer from the beach Pink's, or a cave with the passage through the stomach along the hill about 50 meters opposite the Pink Beach, is evidence that reinforces that about the region as Dai Nippon army barracks. This means that in addition to trips to the beach Pink witnessed coastal scenery that "look different" and conduct historical tours.  

Pink Beach in East Lombok is next door to some of the beaches on either side, such as the Coastal and Beach Temeak colong are also white sand. They are separated by a cliff so to visit two beaches is quite a walk and climb the hill. However, some coastal areas that just have "controlled" the owners of capital.

From the cliff, tourists usually see sea scenery, sea water color degradation, plus scattered clouds were drifting, making the atmosphere was very romantic deserted beaches.

Flat landscape suitable for camping. Clear seawater invited desire to shower. "In fact it was not lawful to Pink Beach if you do not shower," said Iswan Rahmadi, Head of Public Relations Government of East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, promotion.

Tread beaches were pretty wide with the length of the east end to the west about 500 meters. When basking in the soft sand like sleeping on a soft mattress. Provided the weather is sunny, you can see Mount Rinjani to the north coast.

Facilities are limited

Because facilities and public transport is not available to the Pink Beach should rent a car or motorbike from Mataram. Pink Beach Mataram-trips taken 2.5 hours. Accommodation facilities was still minimal, although if you want to stay there a few investors managed bungalow, located approximately 4 kilometers from the beach, with rates 185 U.S. dollars per night.

Better to also bring their own lunch as there is no shop. If you just want to drink, there are local residents providing mineral water drinks, or coffee sachets, and instant noodles.

Head of Tourism Department of East Lombok, Gufran said East Lombok regency budgeted funds for the provision of facilities, road improvements to facilitate access for tourists who travel to Pink Beach.

Lack of transport is supported also by the poor road along the 14 km from the main road to the beach. Asphalt roads peeling, exposing the "authenticity": dirt roads, potholes, bumpy, with some climbs. Road through the protected forest area Sekaroh is dusty when dry. When the rainy season, the earthy clay in some places into "mush", like monster who crushed the vehicle so that the wheels "going nowhere".

However, all tired of the trip will be paid by the exotic phenomenon that winsome Pink Beach. Let me believe, please see for yourself.



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