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Showing posts from August, 2011

Three Pillar Mosque to be the symbol of religious harmony

Jami'ul Mosque Community, in the village of Karang Pangsor, District Winner, Lombok Timur, built by the three religious groups: Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. "This mosque is the mosque's iconic antarwarga communion, particularly in the sub district of religious antarpemeluk winner. The mosque will not be able to stand without support from elements of the religious community," said the manager of the mosque. Jamaah own Jami'ul means "all the pilgrims." Icon of religion of the people of communion not only appear later Lombok Jami'ul Jamaah. Common, other mosque building directly opposite the Temple. For example, in the Village Sesaot, District Narmada, West Lombok. Sesaot village consists of five orchard - three orchards populated Muslim and Hindu population of the two orchards. Nashrudin Mamik Muhdi, Nurul Huda Mosque manager, explained one of the mosques built by Muslims and Hindus is Nurul Huda Mosque which is a large mosque Sesaot Villag...

Enjoying the beauty of the swiss in Garut

THERE IS another European beauty in addition to the city of Bandung in West Java, known as Parijs van Java. As the gate in the western part of East Priangan, Dutch people used to refer to the past as a Swiss Index.php van Java because of the uniqueness and natural beauty. Like Switzerland, located in Garut route back and forth across the southern pathway is also surrounded by mountains. There are five mountains that provide the beauty and uniqueness to everyone who came. All five are Mount Papandayan, Cikurai, Guntur, Haruman, and Talaga Bodas. The five plays soothing Garut. When not even the rain, temperatures in Garut reaching 13-20 degrees Celsius. The foot of Mount Guntur in Jalan Raya Cipanas, District Tarogong Kaler, is one of the famous hot springs pass. Recorded dozens of hot water channel is formed naturally contains sulfur, a race to provide warmth for visitors who want to eliminate fatigue. Access to the Cipanas fairly easy. Cipanas is about 60 kilometers from Bandu...


Kendang, kendhang, or gendang is an instrument in the Central Javanese gamelan is one of its main functions to set the rhythm. This instrument was rung by hand, without tools bantu.Jenis a small drum called ketipung, a medium called the drum ciblon / Kebar. The couple named ketipung there is one more commonly called drums drums gedhe kalih. Kalih played drums on the song or the piece is characterized by such subtle Ketawang, gendhing kethuk kalih, and rhythm ladrang dadi. Can also be played quickly on the opening track type launch, ladrang rhythm responsibility. For there is one more puppet kendhang a typical kendhang doormat. Drums mostly played by the gamelan players professionals, who have long dive into Javanese culture. Most played drums in accordance pengendang instincts, so when played by one person then the premises of others will be different nuances.

To trace the ancient migration trail

Sumatra Island is geographically located in a very strategic position for fauna and human migration paths in the Pleistocene era. However, the island's early human traces that survive in the ice age is still a puzzle. From Padang Bindu, District Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra Province, the last village that can be reached by vehicle, a group of scientists from the Centre for Research and Development National Archaeological walk karst hills. They must go through a suspension bridge crossing the River Ogan, through dense forest and climb the steep hill to get to Goa Tiger, archaeological sites excavated since 2010. In the cave, the research team of 12 people trying to collect traces of ancient settlements from the time of 60000-10000 years ago, to the older, the ice age. "We are continually looking to fill the data gaps in Sumatra," said Rev. Saptomo, one of the researchers. Compared to other parts of Indonesia, traces of ancient human settlements in Sumatra, including th...

Sianok Gorge

Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Gorge) has two hill walls facing each other almost vertically. Its height is about 100 to 120 meters and its length is about 15 km. These walls form a gorge where you could see large paddy fields and rivers at their feet. This gorge separates Bukit Tinggi and Mount Singgalang. The beauty of Sianok can be seen from Panorama Park in Bukit Tinggi or you could also go into the gorge, which is a settlement and paddy field area. To enjoy the scenery from the Park, visitors could pay an entrance fee of Rp 3.000 per person. In addition to the gorges beauty, visitors can also visit a Japanese bunker located at the base of the gorge. Ngarai Sianok is the most beautiful place in West Sumatra, particularly during sunrise and sunset.