Singkawang in West Kalimantan is believed to hold the first International Tournament Borneo Chopsticks (IBOST) 2011, at 18 to 21 November next. This international event, according to Chief Disbudpora Singkawang Indari Lies, followed by approximately 200 athletes from foreign countries, including Malaysia, the Netherlands and the United States. Sports chopsticks itself a part of everyday society Borneo. In Central Kalimantan chopsticks even included as one of the local content lessons in schools. Since the first, chopsticks are used primarily by traditional Dayak tribe as a weapon for hunting and tembaknya distance can reach 200 meters. "Through this contest international chopsticks, chopsticks, we develop the sports media in addition to hunting," said Hasan Karman, Mayor Singkawang. Regional Secretary Singkawang, Syech Bandar also explained, Singkawang selection as the venue does not necessarily. Achievement of a nationally organized several events, like Festival Singkawang f...
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