"Wow, cool!" As an expression of a user's fingers as she watched Mary Judith (24) dancing on rattan vines. The entire body concentrating making wicker "tahing ketore" Dayak people sleeping mats. Webbing as Judith made it over the last three years have brought together dozens of women Dayak tribe in Kalimantan. Matting also make women self-reliant, able to see the wide world, and feel proud of their own culture. When found, on Thursday (28/03/2013), Judith is completing silumandah motif in Adi Kriya Anyam Arts Festival in Bentara Culture Jakarta, Jalan Palmerah Selatan, Jakarta. In the other corner there is Veronika Tirah (52), the Dayak women Bahau. Veronika is completing the manufacture cahung, like hats hat of plaited pandanus leaves, Aoheng typical Dayak tribe, tribal Veronika husband. Previously, the two women did not know each other. Judith from District Lumbis, Nunukan, close to Malaysia, while Veronika from Mahakam Ulu, West Kutai...
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