Bengkulu will remind you at Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles who was appointed by the United Kingdom to become the Governor of Bengkulu in 1818. He arrived in Bengkulu month of March 1818 was accompanied by his wife, Lady Sophia Raffles and a traditional leader Rana Dipura Raden Java. When Raffles arrived in Bengkulu he found Bengkulu devastated by the earthquake, therefore Bengkulu city is called the Land of the Dead. But after that, Raffles, together with the people of Bengkulu build and revive the city of Bengkulu of debris Land of the Dead. So it is not surprising that the rest of the British influence is still felt to this day. Bengkulu is located on the west coast of Sumatra Island and dealing directly with the Indonesian Ocean. Bengkulu is located at coordinates 59 LS 45 300 300 and 1 020 14-1020 22 BT with an area of 151.7 km. People who inhabit this city are from various ethnic groups, including Malays, Rejang, Serawai, Lembak, Bugis, Minang, Batak and others. Bengkulu h...
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