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Javan rhinoceros or a small-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of the five rhinoceros that still exist. Rhino gets into the same genus with India and has rhinoceros skin that resemble armor bermosaik. This rhino has a length of 3.1 to 3.2 m high and 1.4 to 1.7 m. Rhino rhino is smaller than India and more closely in the large body with a black rhino. Culanya size usually less than 20 cm, smaller than the other horn rhinoceros species.

This Rhino has become one of the rhinos in Asia the most widely spread. Although called "Javanese rhinoceros", the animal was not confined to live on the island of Java alone, but throughout the archipelago, along Southeast Asia and in India and China. The species is now extremely critical status, with few populations found in the wild, and none in zoos. This rhino is probably the rarest mammals on earth. The population of 40-50 rhinos live in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. The population of Javan rhinoceros in the wild others are located in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam with an estimated population of no more than eight in 2007. The reduced population of rhinoceros of Java caused by hunting to be taken culanya, which is very valuable in traditional Chinese medicine, with a price of $ 30,000 per kilogram on the black market. The reduced population of rhinos is also caused by loss of habitat, which is mainly caused by the war, as war Vietnam in Southeast Asia also decreases a Javanese rhinoceros population and impede recovery. the only remaining place in two protected areas, but the Javan rhino is still at risk of being hunted, susceptible to disease and shrinking genetic diversity in breeding causes disturbed. WWF Indonesia tried to develop a second for Javan rhino because if an attack of disease or natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruptions of Krakatoa and earthquakes, the population of Javan rhino will immediately become extinct. In addition, since the invasion Langkap (Arenga) and competition with bull for space and resources, the population is increasingly desperate. The area is identified safe and relatively close to the National Park Mist at Mount Salak, West Java who was once the habitat of the Javan rhinoceros.

Javan Rhinos can live for 30-45 years in the wild. These rhinos live in lowland rain forest, wet meadows and flood large areas of land. Javan rhino is mostly quiet, except for courtship and child rearing, although a group can sometimes be gathered near the pools and places to get mineral. Rhinoceros adults have no predators as enemies. Javan rhino usually avoid humans, but will attack humans if they feel harassed. Researchers and natural protective rare animals were examined directly because of their rarity and the danger of disturbing an endangered species. Researchers used a camera and fecal samples to measure the health and behavior. Javan rhino is less studied than other rhino species.

Javan rhino the first study conducted by investigators from outside the area of nature in 1787, when two animals were shot in Java. Javan bones are sent to the Dutch naturalist Petrus Camper, who died in 1789 before he published his discovery that the Javan rhinoceros is the species special. Another Javan rhino was shot on the island of Sumatra by Alfred Duvaucel who sent specimens to his stepfather, Georges Cuvier, a famous French scientist. Cuvier aware of this animal as a special species in 1822, and in the same year identified by Anselme Gaëtan Desmarest as Rhinoceros sondaicus. This species is the last rhino species are identified. Desmarest initially identified rhino came from Java, but later changed and said the specimen came from the island of Java.

Rhinoceros genus name, in which there are also Indian rhinoceros, comes from the Greek: rhino meaning nose, and ceros means horn; sondaicus derived from the Sundanese, the area which includes the island of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and the surrounding small islands. Javan rhino is also called a small-horned rhinoceros (as the difference with a big-horned rhinoceros, Indian rhinoceros a different name).

There are three subspecies, the only two extant subspecies, while one subspecies are extinct:

* Rhinoceros sondaicus sondaicus, type subspecies is known as Indonesian Javan rhinoceros' who ever lived on the island of Java and Sumatra. Now the population is only about 40-50 in Ujung Kulon National Park, located at the western tip of Java island. One researcher suggested that the Javan rhinoceros in Sumatra into different subspecies, Rs floweri, but this is not widely accepted.
* Rhinoceros sondaicus Annamiticus, known as the Javan rhino of Vietnam or Vietnam, who have lived in throughout Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia. Annamiticus derived from Annam mountain range in Southeast Asia, parts of this subspecies. Now the population is estimated at less than 12, live in lowland forests in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. Genetic analysis suggests that the two extant subspecies shared a common ancestor between 300,000 and 2 million years ago.
* Rhinoceros sondaicus inermis, known as Indian Javan Rhinoceros, once lived in Bengal to Burma (Myanmar), but it is considered extinct in the first decade of the 1900s. Inermis means without the horns, because the characteristics of this rhino is smaller in male rhino horn, and no horns in females. Specimens of this species are females who do not have horns. The political situation in Burma to prevent provision of this species in the country, but safety is considered unreliable.

Leluhur badak pertama kali terbagi dari Perissodactyl lainnya pada masa Eosen awal. Perbandingan DNA mitokondria memberikan kesan bahwa leluhur badak modern terbagi dari leluhur Equidae sekitar 50 juta tahun yang lalu. Famili yang masih ada, Rhinocerotidae, pertama kali muncul pada Eosen akhir di Eurasia, dan leluhur spesies badak modern terbagi dari Asia pada awal Miosen.

Badak jawa dan badak india adalah satu-satunya anggota genus Rhinoceros yang pertama kali muncul pada rekaman fosil di Asia sekitar 1,6 juta-3,3 juta tahun yang lalu. Perkiraan molekul memberikan kesan bahwa spesies telah terbagi lebih awal, sekitar 11,7 juta tahun yang lalu. Walaupun masuk ke dalam tipe genus, badak Jawa dan India dipercaya tidak berhubungan dekat dengan spesies badak lainnya. Penelitian berbeda telah mengeluarkan hipotesis bahwa mereka mungkin berhubungan dekat dengan Gaindetherium atau Punjabitherium yang telah punah. Analisis klad Rhinocerotidae meletakkan Rhinoceros dan Punjabitherium yang telah punah pada klad dengan Dicerorhinus, badak Sumatra. Penelitian lain mengusulkan bahwa badak Sumatra lebih berhubungan dekat dengan dua spesies badak di Afrika. Badak Sumatra dapat terbagi dari badak Asia lainnya 15 juta tahun yang lalu.

Javan rhino is smaller than his cousin, Indian rhinoceros, and has a great body close to the black rhino. Java rhino's body length (including head) to more than 3.1 to 3.2 m high and reaches 1.4 to 1.7 m. Adult rhinos are reported to have weighed between 900 and 2300 pounds. Research to collect accurate measurements of Java rhinoceros was never done and not a priority. There were no major differences between the sexes, but female Javan body size may be larger. Rhinoceros in Vietnam is less than in Java, based on research evidence through photographs and measuring their footprints.

Like his cousin in India, the Javan rhinoceros has one horn (the other species have two horns). Culanya is the smallest of all rhinoceros horn, usually less than 20 cm by 27 cm along the longest. Javan rhino rarely use culanya to fight, but use it to remove the mud in the hole, to pull for edible plants, and pave the way through thick vegetation. Javan rhino has a long lip, upper and height that helped him get food. Serial tooth long and sharp; when Javan rhino fight, they use these teeth. Behind the incisors, six molar teeth used for chewing plants long rough. Like all rhinos, Javan rhinos have a good sense of smell and hearing but have poor eye sight. They are estimated to live for 30 to 45 years.

Her skin was a little hairy, gray or gray-brown wrapping shoulder, back and buttocks. Her skin has a natural mosaic pattern that causes the rhino has a shield. Packaging neck Javan rhino is smaller than India, but still form a saddle shape in the shoulder. Because the risk of disturbing an endangered species, Javan rhino dung samples and studied through the camera. They are rarely encountered, observed or measured directly.

The most optimistic estimates predict that fewer than 100 Javan rhinoceros still exist in the wild. They are regarded as the most threatened mammals, although there is still a Sumatran rhino habitat is not protected like the Javan rhinoceros, and several natural protective assume they have a greater risk. Javan rhino is known to still live in two places, Ujung Kulon National Park on the western tip of Java island and Cat Tien National Park which is located about 150 km north of Ho Chi Minh City.

This beast had spread from Assam and Bengal (where they lived would complement each other between Sumatra and the Indian rhinoceros in place [13]) eastward to Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and to the south of the peninsula of Malaya, as well as island of Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. Javan rhinos living in lowland rain forest, tall grass and reed beds of many rivers, large flood plains or wet areas with lots of mud. Although in the history of the Javan rhino like lower regions, subspecies in Vietnam pushed toward a higher ground (above 2,000 m), which is caused by disturbance and hunting by humans.

Javan rhinos living place has been shrinking over the last 3,000 years, beginning around 1000 BC, a place to live in the north it extends to Tongkok rhino, but began to move to the south is roughly at 0.5 km per year due to increased human settlers in the area. This rhino became extinct in India in the early decades of the 20th century. Javan rhinos were hunted to extinction in Peninsular Malaysia in 1932. [23] At the end of the Vietnam war, Vietnamese rhino is believed extinct throughout mainland Asia. Local hunters and loggers in Cambodia claimed Javan rhinos in the Cardamom Mountains, but surveys in the area failed to find evidence. Java rhino population also may exist on the island of Borneo, although the specimen may be the Sumatran rhino, a small population that still live there.

Javan rhino is quiet with the exception of the animals when they breed and their young, if a host. They will sometimes congregate in small groups in the search for mineral and mud. Wallow in the mud is a general feature of all rhinoceros; activities that enable them to maintain body temperature and help prevent disease and parasites. Javan rhino is not digging the mud puddle and prefer to use other animals or pools of naturally occurring holes, which will use culanya to enlarge. The place to find minerals is also very important as nutrition for the rhino is received from the salt. Wilayahi males larger than females with a large area of 12-20 km ² male and female areas are estimated to 3-14 km ². Male territory larger than the female. It is not known whether there is a territorial battle.

Males mark their territory with a pile of dirt and splashes of urine. Scratches made by the feet on the ground and roll of the young trees are also used for communication. Members of other rhino species have a peculiar habit of defecating on a big pile of rhino dung and then scraped his hind legs in the dirt. Rhino Sumatra and Java when defecating in the pile, do not scratch. Adaptation of this nature known in ecology; in the rain forests of Java and Sumatra, this method may not be useful to spread the smell.

Javan rhino has fewer votes than the Sumatran rhinoceros, Javan rhinoceros sounds very little is known. Adult Javan rhino has no natural enemies other than humans. This species, particularly in Vietnam, is a species which escape into the woods when the man approached making it difficult to examine the rhinoceros. When humans get too close to the Javanese rhinoceros, rhino it will become aggressive and will attack, stabbing with his series on the mandibular teeth while stabbing upwards with his head. Anti-social nature may be an adaptation to population pressure; historical evidence suggests that this species has never been more in groups.

The main factor of population decline is poaching for rhino Java culanya, problems that also attacks all species of rhinoceros. Rhinoceros horns into commodity trading in China for 2,000 years is used as medicine to traditional Chinese medicine. Historically skin used to make armor Chinese army and local tribes in Vietnam believe that the skin can be used as an antidote to snake venom. Because where rhinos live covers many areas of poverty, it is hard for people not to kill these animals that can be sold at high prices. When the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora was first enacted in 1975, the Javan rhinoceros is inserted into the protection of Appendix 1: all international trade in rhino products Java is considered illegal. Rhino horn black market survey has determined that the Asian rhino has a price of $ 30,000 per kilogram, three times the price of rhino horn of Africa.

Loss of habitat due to agriculture also reduces the Javan population, although this is no longer a significant factor because the rhino lives only in two national parks are protected. The deteriorating habitat have prevented the recovery of rhino populations that are victims of poaching for horns. Even with all the efforts of conservation, safety prospects grim Javanese rhinoceros. Because of their population covered in two small places, they are very susceptible disease and breeding problems. Conservation geneticists estimate that the 100 rhino population genetics of species need protection division.
Ujung Kulon

Ujung Kulon peninsula was destroyed by the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. Javan Rhino re-colonize the peninsula after the eruption, but the man never came back in large numbers, thus making a shelter. In 1931, because the Java rhinoceros was on the brink of extinction in Sumatra, Dutch East Indies government claimed that the rhino is a protected species, and still remain protected until now. In 1967 when the census conducted in Ujung Kulon rhinos, only 25 rhinos there. In 1980, the rhino population is growing, and remain present in the population 50 to now. Although the rhinos in Ujung Kulon has no natural enemies, they must compete for space and resources are rare with a wild bull and Arenga plants that can cause the number of rhinos remain under capacity peninsula. Ujung Kulon administered by the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. Found at least four infants Javan in 2006.

Photos Javan rhino mother and her baby, was estimated to be around 4-6 months, the team successfully perpetuated by WWF in November 2007. When photographed, the baby rhino is being suckling mother. The existence of these rhinos are known when it found traces of rhino-sized 15 / 16 cm around the watershed Citadahan on October 30, 2007. This is good news because it proves the existence of new-born rhinos in Ujung Kulon.

Java rhino population growth in the Ujung Kulon
Year Minimum Maximum Average
1967 21 28 24.5
1968 20 29 24.5
1971 33 42 37.5
1982 53 59 56
1993 35 58 47

Source: Indonesian Rhinoceros Conservation Strategy - Director General of PHPA MoF RI.

Few members R.s. Annamiticus the remaining live in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. This Rhino has spread in Southeast Asia after the Vietnam war, the Javan rhinoceros is considered extinct. Tactics used in battle damage local ecosystems: the use of Napalm, herbicides and defolian of Agent Orange, aerial bombing and the use of landmines. The war also flooded the area with weapons. After the war, many poor villagers, who previously used methods such as pitfall traps, now has a deadly weapon causing them to become efficient hunters rhinoceros. Alleged subspecies extinction was challenged when in 1988, a hunter shot an adult female who showed that this species survived the war. In 1989, scientists researching southern Vietnamese jungle to look for evidence of other rhinos surviving. Fresh rhino footprints that belong to at least 15 rhinos found along the Dong Nai river. Because the rhino, the area where they lived became part of Cat Tien National Park in 1992. They feared reduced population in Vietnam, with a natural protective estimates that at least 308 rhinos are possible without male survivors.

In captivity
There is no single Javan rhinoceros at the zoo. In the 1800s, at least four rhinos on display in Adelaide, Kolkata and London. At least 22 rhinos have been documented Java has been kept in captivity, and maybe that number is greater because this species is sometimes misinterpreted by the Indian rhinoceros. Javan Rhino was never handled well in captivity: the oldest of the living rhinos just reached the age of 20 years, about half of the age that can be achieved rhinos in the wild. The last Javan rhino in captivity dies at Adelaide Zoo, Australia in 1907, where the species is little known because it has been shown as an Indian rhinoceros. As a result of long and expensive program in the 1980s and the 1990s to mengembangbiakan Sumatran rhinos at the zoo failed, efforts to protect the Javan rhinoceros in a zoo can not be trusted.

Business preparation second habitat
Javan rhino who live together in one main area is very vulnerable to extinction that can be caused by disease, natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruption of Krakatoa, an earthquake. In addition, the rhino is also lack of roaming space and resources due to the invasion Langkap (Arenga) and competition with bulls.

Preliminary research WWF identifies suitable habitat, safe and relatively close to the National Park Mist at Gunung Salak, West Java, which was also the habitat of the Javan rhinoceros. If the second habitat is found, then the rhino a healthy, good, and meet the criteria in Ujung Kulon is sent to the new territory. Habitat will also guarantee the security of the population.


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