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RENCONG >> Traditional Weapon from Aceh

Rencong is one of the Acehnese traditional weapons other than guns and firearms. Perhaps, at the time of the ancient kingdom of Aceh in every man who was growing up, must have sepucuk rencong to protect themselves. Rencong have meaning religious philosophy and the Islamic, Arab-shaped handles are taken from the equivalent word Bismillah. Matching words can be seen in a curved handle and then thicken at the elbow. The handle-shaped rencong Ba, the handle grip is a script where Sin, which taper downward in the base metal near the handle is a script Mim, base metal taper near the handle that resembles a lane-lane iron from the base of the handle until near the end symbolizes the characters Lam, section under the glove has the form of letters Ha, so that the whole letter "Ba, Sin, Mim, Lam, Ha", the composition of letters that read, form a sentence Bismillah is a symbol that shows the characteristics of the Acehnese people who really hold fast to the glory of Islam.

The main raw material manufacture rencong is white metal, brass, danrencong-2 water buffalo horn. Rencong a level that is for the king or sultan is usually made of ivory (sarong) and pure gold (the dagger). While other rencong rencong-usually made of buffalo horn or wood as a sheath, and brass or white metal as a dagger. Rencong type of white iron, known to have many benefits because they can drive out evil spirits as jinn and devils who try to interfere.

In the Dutch colonial period, rencong used on the battlefield. This weapon tucked in the front waist as a marker of egalitarianism and a height of dignity and a symbol of self-defense, courage, greatness, and heroism while fighting the Dutch colonists. In the struggle against the Dutch, history records the names of heroes such as Admiral Malahayati Acehnese heroine (the first female admiral in the world), Cut, Cut Meutia, Pocut Meurah Intan, Pocut Baren, and Teungku Fakinah.

In general, there are five kinds of rencong that became the mainstay weapon of Acehnese society, namely:

- Rencong Meucugek:
Called rencong rencong meucugek because the handle is there rencong-meucugek a form of archery and glue that in terms of Aceh called cugek or meucugek. Cugek is needed to easily held and not easily separated when stabbed into the body of the opponent or enemy.

- Rencong Meupucok:
This Rencong shoots above the handle made of metal engraving in general, of ivory or gold. The base of the handle decorated with gold patterned tumpal (pucok bamboo shoots) and given a jewel ditampuk handle, total length about 30 cm rencong. Sarong rencong also made of ivory and given bond with gold. Usually, this rencong used at official ceremonies relating to indigenous issues and the arts.

- Rencong Pudoi:
The term pudoi Acehnese society is something that is considered still lack or still exist that have not been perfect. The handle of this rencong just straight and very short. So, that meant a rudimentary pudoi or is in the form rencong handle it.

- Rencong Puntong:
The uniqueness of the upstream Puntong rencong butts, with a dagger yangrencong-4 forged with metal, rencong head of buffalo horn and scabbard of wood.

- Rencong Meukure:
Differences rencong rencong meukure with other types is in the eye Rencong. Eye rencong ornate such as images of snakes, centipedes, flowers, and others. The images are interpreted by a blacksmith with various kinds of advantages and privileges. Rencong stored long, initially will be formed similar aritan or form called kuree. The longer or the older the age of a rencong, the more kuree contained on these rencong eye. Kuree is deemed to have magical powers.

Currently, rencong been switching function as one of the souvenirs of Aceh. In fact, one of Aceh's land titles known as "Land Rencong". It was not perfect when travelers from outside of Aceh during a visit to Aceh rencong not buy as a gift or keepsake.

Beloved Indonesia is rich in various cultures, including in terms of traditional weapons. If the first traditional weapon used to ward off invaders, so now we as the future generation must keep these weapons as a chic range of aspects of Indonesian culture, so as not to be stolen by other nations.


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