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Incoung from Kerinci script should be patented

Script Incoung of patented Kerinci was time for one of the cultural richness of Indonesian territory is not claimed by another country.

Art Center Foundation Chairman Kajanglako Rina Syafitri Rusdi, in Kerinci, Friday (4 / 2), suggests there has been no cultural richness of Jambi recorded is proposed to be patented, whereas Jambi has a lot of potential. "Kerinci regency and municipal government should immediately propose Sungaipenuh Kerinci community culture of high value such as literacy Incoung to UNESCO to be patented. The proposal could be through Kemenbudpar RI," said Rini.

He pointed out the close relationship Kerinci with Malaysia have been very familiar since the time of the kingdom first. Until now he's at least 6000 according to the Kerinci residents who settled in Malaysia, even not a few who have become citizens of the neighbor country. "Scientists, culture, academics and intellectuals often came to Kerinci Malaysia to conduct research culture," he said.

Meanwhile a young humanist Kerinci Nukman SS said that Penno, Pantun Kerinci, and the script Incoung often reviewed or investigated by scientists from Malaysia. "The data has been collected that scientists feared could be misinterpreted by its biggest claim to be material," said Nukman. "This makes the Kerinci cultures are in vulnerable positions stolen other people," said Rini.

On the other hand, the Head of Kerinci Budpar Arlis Aaron declare the existence of characters revitalization Kerinci regency Incoung done since a year later one of them is the use of script writing Incoung on road signage and the development of motifs in batik Incoung Kerinci script.

Script Incoung found printed or written on a horn, bone, stone, bamboo, silk and paper.


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