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Old staring at Mount Padang Indonesia

The question of whether people Archipelago, Sunda in particular, is an old nation in the world, often occurred from the minds of so many people visiting megalithic sites in the village of Gunung Padang Karyamukti, Campaka District, Cianjur, West Java.

"My grandfather told us that on some nights on the hill there, often heard the voices of musical and place it into a brightly lit. We then named this hill Mount Padang (mountain of light)," said Yuda Buntar, one manager archeological sites that, earlier this week.

Yuda ancestors and the people around Gunung Padang not call it the ancient site. All they knew the place was sacred, until later in 1979, three villagers had reported the site right at the top of the hill, to the archaeological authorities in Cianjur.

Soon the area was designated as a cultural heritage to local culture and nobleness evidence height of civilization native to Indonesia, especially the people who now inhabit Tatar Pasundan.

The archaeologists believe that the Megalithic Site of Mount Padang is the largest megalithic site in Southeast Asia.

That site could have been built about 2,000 years before Christ, or about 2400 years before the first archipelago kingdom stood in Kutai, Kalimantan, or roughly 2800 years before the Borobudur Temple was built.

mountain-wilderness-photo-hendijoMelihat stone structure and the selection of panoramic environment around the site, anyone will be surprised at how high the ancient culture of the archipelago.

Sources and quality of building materials are chosen, and its orientation on the symbols of divinity typical ancient era, such as mountains and oceans, making the visitors staring at how great and ancient civilization berperspektifnya Archipelago.

Perpendicular from the site, stands Mount Gede that since the Kingdom Pajajaran been considered sacred, or the public lest Pajajaran only inherited the tradition of ancient megalithic tribe.

When examined more deeply, the site contains a scattering of black stone motif, it turns out load geometric regularity, in addition to the message that high cosmic wisdom, before modern religions into the archipelago.

Tip geometry and stone sculptures created in such a large stone thousands of average regular pentagonal shape. The symbol "five" is similar to the pentatonic scales Sundanese music, da mi na ti na.

The wonders that make people wonder, especially visitors to the site. Many who call this site an ancient musical theater, as well as the ancient religious complex.

"Obelix have to come here," said a visitor from Padjadjaran University, Bandung, as written in the guest book and message impression after visiting megalithic sites Gunung Padang.

Obelix is one of the leaders of the duo-Obelix in the Asterix comic "The Adventures of Asterix" by Rene Goscinny from France, which tells the knights of Gaul, France beginning, in the ancient Roman era.


To reach the site, one must climb 468 steps first endesit reconstructed stone, so the hill was designated as a cultural heritage. Stone stairs were made with mathematical calculation, with the number five looked dominant.

If Babylon consider sacred numbers 11 or Ancient Rome with the number 7, then on Mount Padang, ancient peoples who inhabited the land Pasundan Nusantara this "worship" number five.

In the court of first steps, stunning scenery unfold from the construction site that is composed of stone columns, mostly in terms of dimension five, with a smooth surface.

gunung_padang1Batu-stone was placed across the stairs from the foot of the hill to the entrance of the site. At the top of the hill, at the first court, the gate flanked by stone columns standing.

A number of experts to assess the stones were not created human beings, but rather the result of geological processes as frozen magma flow, such as the formation of polygonal cracks when the mud dries.

Similar process to form a giant six tanggasegi site at Giant Causeway, Ireland or the Borger-Odoorn in the Netherlands. Everything happens when the lava cooled into igneous rock type that is generally andesite.

Gunung Padang alone is estimated formed from the freezing of magma, the remainder of an ancient volcano Early Pleistocene era, 21 million years ago.

The experts assess, the mountain is a natural source of bricks of a column construction site, as evidenced from berserakannya natural stone columns that are not from the ruins of the site which are found at the foot of Gunung Padang.

"Indeed, similar stones can be easily extracted from the foot of Gunung Padang," said Yuda, pointing to a pile of andesite soil wrapped in red across the street and near the kitchen of his house.

However, local people believe, as told by Ahmad Zaenuddin, one of the construction site manager as well as perpetrators of megalithic sites Gunung Padang, andesite stones at the location site first carved in one place which is now called the Village Carving.

Then, washed in a pond that place now called the Village Pond, which until now lay scattered remains of ancient stone carvings. Both villages are about 500 meters southeast of Mount Megalithic Sites of Padang.

Andesite stones themselves are only found around Gunung Padang. "Once across the Kali and Kali Cikuta Cipanggulaan, no more iron stones like that," said Zaenudin.

Foot Cikuta and Kali Cipanggulaan are two small rivers that flank the site of Mount Padang, which has been noted Dutch archaeologist, NJ Krom, in 1914.

Gunung Padang itself was not the only complex of megalithic tradition. There are still relics of megalithic tradition of Cianjur in Ciranjang, Pacet, Cikalong Wetan and Cibeber.

To be sure, Padang Mount megalithic sites that can be achieved within 45 minutes from the city of Cianjur it is the most amazing and most sublime.

Unfortunately, one kilometer to the location, condition is very bad road to the site, in addition to a direction of obscure sites. Other than that, Megalithic Sites Gunung Padang seems to be better cared for and protected again.


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