One of the long tradition of coastal people of the North Coast (coast) of West Java, precisely in Cirebon, is Sintren. This art has become a rare performances even in areas Sintren own birth. Sintren in development now, at best can only be enjoyed once a year on the ceremonies than nadran marine, or at a celebration-a celebration of people gedean (rich).
Based on information from various sources cirebon tradition among artists, Sintren becoming known in the early 1940s, the name itself is not clear Sintren come from nowhere, but he said Sintren is the name of the girl dancers who are still to be staring in this performance.
According to Mrs. Juju, a lead group Sinar Harapan Sintren Cirebon, origin of birth Sintren is the habit of the mother and son and daughter who were waiting for their husbands / fathers came home from fishing at sea. "Rather than sleep in the afternoon, the fishermen are not out catching fish, better make an interesting game," said Juju.
Sintren game that continues almost every afternoon and become an integral part of their life, then gradually turned into a game Sintren sacred fishermen waiting to go home. Until now even Sintren become a noble heritage that needs to be preserved.
In further developments, Sintren played by the fishermen around the village for a gig anywhere, and it turns out from the circumference of the money they get a pretty good saweran. From the beginning just to add money kitchen, Sintren be the object of making a living to live.
Must girl (virgin)
Arts Sintren (finally no longer a game), consisting of the interpreter kawih / sinden accompanied by several gamelan like pitcher, a musical instrument resembling a barrel at clay, tambourines, and other waditra like, drums, gongs, and kecrek (string).
Before starting, the interpreter kawih start with songs that are meant to invite viewers. His verse like this:
Tambak tambak pawon
Isie dandang kukusan
Ari kebul-kebul wong nontone pada kumpul.
Poems are recited repeatedly until the crowd really gathered to watch the show Sintren. Once the audience is much, interpreters kawih began to sing the next verse,
Kembang trate
Dituku disebrang kana
Kartini dirante
Kang rante aran mang rana
In the midst of kawih above, comes Sintren young young. It is said by Mrs. Viking. A must Sintren
a girl, if Sintren played by women who are married, then the show is considered to be inappropriate, in this case Mrs. Juju reluctant to further explain about what sort of fitting in question. "Just be who was a virgin," he asserted.
Then Sintren tied with ropes from neck to toe, so that the Shari'a, it is impossible to untangle these Sintren in quick time. Then Sintren incorporated into a carangan (confinement), which closed cloth, having previously given replacement clothing supplies. Continues echoing gamelan, two people described as the handler incessant reading do? With incense smoke billowing. Interpreters kawih continue to nembang (sing):
Gulung gulung kasa
Ana sintren masih turu
Wong nontone buru-buru
Ana sintren masih baru
Which means Sintren describe conditions in captivity are still in a state of sleep. But once cage is opened, the Sintren has changed with the all nice clothes like the clothes that used to dance masks, plus the Sintren wearing sunglasses.
Sintren then danced in a monotone, the audience began pelting jostling Sintren with a coin, and as soon as a coin on his body, then Sintren will fall unconscious. Sintren be aware of Returnees and dancing after being given the spell by the handler.
Monotonically Sintren continued to dance and the audience was beruhasa throws with coins in the hope Sintren going to faint. Here is one of the core arts Sintren "Ndak know ya, anyway if anyone ngelempar with coins and hit the body Sintren would pass out, have By design hell pack, which mengkonon mengkonon," said a handler, Mamang Rana on the author.
When it is asked at Sintrennya, Kartini (20), after the show, pleaded not unconscious of what he was doing on stage, although occasionally there was also throwing his body with small objects.
This mystery has not yet been revealed, is it true under a Sintren consciousness or just to be optimized in these rare performances. A former Sintren who declined to be named said he had so Sintren and really realize what he was doing on stage, but because the demands of the show then he should do a scene fainted.
In the northern Culture Festival held in Cirebon, West Java recently, art Sintren was staged in the open field Kejaksan, Major really a concern of local communities, public art and art observers. It is said Sintren will be staged throughout the festival lasts until next September 2002, in Subang, Indramayu, Sumedang, Bekasi and Karawang.
Arts Sintren coastal folk tradition is a legacy that must be maintained, given the cultural values strong in it, regardless of whether there majis influence in it or not. Sintren adds a long list of cultural treasures of wealth as a legacy of traditions of our ancestors.
Unfortunately, in Cirebon Sintren there are only two groups that still exist and productive, each leader Mrs. Nani and Mrs. Viking, which is located at Jl. Yos Sudarso, Cingkul Middle Village, Gang Deli Kingdom, Cirebon, West Java. Both these groups are often invited to perform in various cities in Indonesia, even by Mrs. Viking to overseas.
On the other hand, this certainly is a good development, but on the other hand this also challenge for the heir Sintren to maintain this tradition.
Based on information from various sources cirebon tradition among artists, Sintren becoming known in the early 1940s, the name itself is not clear Sintren come from nowhere, but he said Sintren is the name of the girl dancers who are still to be staring in this performance.
According to Mrs. Juju, a lead group Sinar Harapan Sintren Cirebon, origin of birth Sintren is the habit of the mother and son and daughter who were waiting for their husbands / fathers came home from fishing at sea. "Rather than sleep in the afternoon, the fishermen are not out catching fish, better make an interesting game," said Juju.
Sintren game that continues almost every afternoon and become an integral part of their life, then gradually turned into a game Sintren sacred fishermen waiting to go home. Until now even Sintren become a noble heritage that needs to be preserved.
In further developments, Sintren played by the fishermen around the village for a gig anywhere, and it turns out from the circumference of the money they get a pretty good saweran. From the beginning just to add money kitchen, Sintren be the object of making a living to live.
Must girl (virgin)
Arts Sintren (finally no longer a game), consisting of the interpreter kawih / sinden accompanied by several gamelan like pitcher, a musical instrument resembling a barrel at clay, tambourines, and other waditra like, drums, gongs, and kecrek (string).
Before starting, the interpreter kawih start with songs that are meant to invite viewers. His verse like this:
Tambak tambak pawon
Isie dandang kukusan
Ari kebul-kebul wong nontone pada kumpul.
Poems are recited repeatedly until the crowd really gathered to watch the show Sintren. Once the audience is much, interpreters kawih began to sing the next verse,
Kembang trate
Dituku disebrang kana
Kartini dirante
Kang rante aran mang rana
In the midst of kawih above, comes Sintren young young. It is said by Mrs. Viking. A must Sintren
a girl, if Sintren played by women who are married, then the show is considered to be inappropriate, in this case Mrs. Juju reluctant to further explain about what sort of fitting in question. "Just be who was a virgin," he asserted.
Then Sintren tied with ropes from neck to toe, so that the Shari'a, it is impossible to untangle these Sintren in quick time. Then Sintren incorporated into a carangan (confinement), which closed cloth, having previously given replacement clothing supplies. Continues echoing gamelan, two people described as the handler incessant reading do? With incense smoke billowing. Interpreters kawih continue to nembang (sing):
Gulung gulung kasa
Ana sintren masih turu
Wong nontone buru-buru
Ana sintren masih baru
Which means Sintren describe conditions in captivity are still in a state of sleep. But once cage is opened, the Sintren has changed with the all nice clothes like the clothes that used to dance masks, plus the Sintren wearing sunglasses.
Sintren then danced in a monotone, the audience began pelting jostling Sintren with a coin, and as soon as a coin on his body, then Sintren will fall unconscious. Sintren be aware of Returnees and dancing after being given the spell by the handler.
Monotonically Sintren continued to dance and the audience was beruhasa throws with coins in the hope Sintren going to faint. Here is one of the core arts Sintren "Ndak know ya, anyway if anyone ngelempar with coins and hit the body Sintren would pass out, have By design hell pack, which mengkonon mengkonon," said a handler, Mamang Rana on the author.
When it is asked at Sintrennya, Kartini (20), after the show, pleaded not unconscious of what he was doing on stage, although occasionally there was also throwing his body with small objects.
This mystery has not yet been revealed, is it true under a Sintren consciousness or just to be optimized in these rare performances. A former Sintren who declined to be named said he had so Sintren and really realize what he was doing on stage, but because the demands of the show then he should do a scene fainted.
In the northern Culture Festival held in Cirebon, West Java recently, art Sintren was staged in the open field Kejaksan, Major really a concern of local communities, public art and art observers. It is said Sintren will be staged throughout the festival lasts until next September 2002, in Subang, Indramayu, Sumedang, Bekasi and Karawang.
Arts Sintren coastal folk tradition is a legacy that must be maintained, given the cultural values strong in it, regardless of whether there majis influence in it or not. Sintren adds a long list of cultural treasures of wealth as a legacy of traditions of our ancestors.
Unfortunately, in Cirebon Sintren there are only two groups that still exist and productive, each leader Mrs. Nani and Mrs. Viking, which is located at Jl. Yos Sudarso, Cingkul Middle Village, Gang Deli Kingdom, Cirebon, West Java. Both these groups are often invited to perform in various cities in Indonesia, even by Mrs. Viking to overseas.
On the other hand, this certainly is a good development, but on the other hand this also challenge for the heir Sintren to maintain this tradition.
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