To enter the island Cipir need entrance fee of Rp 2,000. Beautiful island with white sand that turned out to save a scary story. This is the island where many people die injected. If you walk to the opposite side of the pier, you will find a ruined building overlooking the sea.
In the Dutch colonial period, the building is a hospital ward. But when the Dutch lost the war of Japan, Japan's ruling makes the ward as a place for hanging legal and native Dutch people. Hospital during the Dutch colonial one of which serves to quarantine infectious diseases. But then serves to quarantine pilgrims.
"There's a story about something that we are proud of but if judged by history not really necessary. Hajj degree is good, meaningful worship has been fulfilled and respected. But it was in colonial times, the Dutch who gave the title of the hajj. The people quarantined on the island pilgrimage , when it passed the title was given. Because of that degree is only exist in Indonesian pilgrims, "said Asep Kambali founder of KHI is also often a historical tour guide.
Why does Dutch need to quarantine the people who are on the pilgrimage? Netherlands gives reason to keep them healthy. However, Asep told the colonial government concerned about the spread of Pan-Islamic movement.
While those who perform the pilgrimage usually survive on Arab soil for at least three months. They use that time to study theology from leading scholars. The idea of Pan-Islam against non-Islamic rule will give effect to the militancy of those who perform the pilgrimage.
"Dutch people worry that the pilgrimage has been polluted understand Pan-Islam. They worry that rebels will not be quarantined to the Netherlands. Degree pilgrims were given so that if he was out of quarantine, the Netherlands can still find him," he explained. In fact, the Dutch concern is true. The heroes and leaders who opposed the Dutch are the ones titled pilgrimage.
After traveling Cipir Island, the participants went back up to the canoe. The next destination is the island of Onrust. Kelor Island, Cipir Island, and the island of Onrust is islands unity united by history starting from the early days of the arrival of the Dutch until the Dutch colonial period. The participants HIS adventure through the islands. In addition to these three islands, Angel Island and Island Edam was condensed to Dutch colonial history.
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