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Easter Traditions in Larantuka

When Easter arrived, the people of Flores have a unique way to celebrate. Easter is not just a religious commemorated with a mass. Community Flores also undergo ritual ancestral heritage. Cultural traditions still survive until today and become a local tourist attraction and abroad. To Larantuka, people from different group of islands in East Nusa Tenggara come. Larantuka a religious tourist destinations throughout the week.

Easter rituals in Larantuka lasted solid start on Wednesday (04/20/2011) through Sunday (04/24/2011). Anyone can participate. Not only Catholics who celebrate Easter, because in Larantuka, the celebration of Easter is a blend of ethnic cultural traditions and religious rituals Catholics.

Thousands of people will gather to follow the tradition of Easter in Larantuka. Larantuka started full of visitors since last Palm Sunday Good Friday until the peak event. Currently, citizens from various islands in East Nusa Tenggara in droves to leave the village to Larantuka. Yet not all people celebrate in Larantuka. Communities in Lamalera for example, they have the tradition of the Easter celebration of its own.

At a stopover in Lembata on Palm Sunday last (17/04/2011), meet people in Loweleba, the capital of Lembata, NTT. A number of people admitted will go towards Larantuka on Wednesday to attend Good Friday procession. Still, a few residents who left the Lembata toward Larantuka after Palm Sunday last. Diana Dasilva (30), employees of international NGOs working in Lembata admitted will return to his hometown in Larantuka on Wednesday (04/20/2011).

The procession begins with the Wednesday Trewa

"The tradition of Easter in Larantuka began with religious rituals Trewa Wednesday Mass at each parish. This ritual is only in Larantuka. Trewa means sounds the last after a Mass at 20:00 pm. Residents may put music or other sounds. The church is still allowed rang the bell until 20:00. But after a Mass on Wednesday night, the sounds are not allowed, "said Diana to in between writing and photography training for Children Forum was held Lembata Plan Indonesia, in Lewoleba, Lembata, NTT, April 16 to 17 2011 ago.

Maundy Thursday

The next day, in celebration of the Last Supper, Holy Thursday at 10:00 pm, no more sounds, says Diana. The atmosphere was quiet as well Larantuka Nyepi in the Hindu community in Bali. Diana went on preparation issued Mr. Ma (statue of the Virgin Mary) begins on Holy Thursday. Statue of Virgin Mary in the Chapel of Mary Pante Kebis will be bathed by the five major tribes in Larantuka.

"This activity is closed to the public. However, after bathing, people usually take a bath in the tub water and then transferred to bottles to take home," he said, adding this water is believed to have efficacy. Mr. Ma is only issued once a year during the celebration of Easter. For the first time, only the royal family are allowed to kiss Mr. Ma.

Thursday, starting at 22:00 pm, people started doing lamentasi until morning at the Cathedral Church of Larantuka. They are also allowed to kiss in the chapel of Mr. Ma and Mr. Pante Kebis Lohayong Ana in the chapel. The ritual of kissing Mr Ma and Mr Ana runs through Friday at 13.00 pm.

The series of Good Friday procession

Good Friday Procession begins with a procession Mr Ma and Mr Ana to Larantuka Reinha Rosary Cathedral. Starting at 14.00 pm, Mr Ma picked up Mr. Ana and went into the church to the accompaniment of thousands of Larantuka, as well as local and foreign tourists.

Easter Traditions in Larantuka on Friday carried out at sea. Sea procession began at 12.00 pm from coast to coast city, to the village of Betel tree. Prior to the chapel Mr Ma and Mr Ana, residents welcomed Mr Meninu first seaside village of Betel tree.

Procession Mr. Meninu early delivery by one person elected from special interest respecting the statue Mr. Meninu (army of the sea) from the top of the chapel into a special boat. On this boat, Mr. Meninu placed on the front and one behind the carrier. Procession of delivery to the citizens accompanied Mr. Armida (the arrangement of the statue) in the town of Larantuka.

To pave the way, kids special interest is at the forefront accompaniment procession across the sea from this Larantuka. A canoe containing two small tribe called the army. A total of 7-8 small army of these canoes escorting Mr. Meninu. Behind him, people follow the procession leading to the coastal ocean. Sea journey to the Tree of Betel lasted one hour. On the coast, residents of the city is waiting Larantuka. Arriving at Betel Tree, Mr. Tree Meninu escorted to Armida Sirih. Furthermore, residents walked to the chapel of Mr. Ma's, then pick up Mr. Ana, and together, citizens towards the Cathedral Church.

The procession of around eight Armida

Religious rituals conducted by kissing the cross (part of the reverence the cross) in the Cathedral Church of Larantuka begin at 15:00 pm. Then at 18:00, race back through the procession that opened with ovos or peratapan. "Ovos or mourning song performed at the church for 15 minutes. Then the people came out of the church and around eight Armida in Larantuka. Mr Ma and Mr Ana along with a convoy of eight Armida see this until 03.00 pm, until returning to church" explained Diana .

Easter rituals in Larantuka not over. On Saturday at 07.00 pm, Mr Ma and Mr Ana escorted back to their respective chapels. Various ethnic, race, society Flores to foreign guests mingled in the procession set of more than 24 hours. "The ritual of Easter all in Larantuka house is open to anyone. Foreign guests may ride a bath or lie down at every house," explained Diana adds usually the church is also preparing a tour guide for foreign visitors who wish to follow the procession.

Tribe takes over the procession

Saturday (4/23/2011) morning, when Mr. Ma and Mr. Ana returned to the chapel each, the tribe took over the procession. Special Interest repack, Mr Ma and Mr Ana, and the chapel was closed to the public.

Saturday afternoon, residents of St. Larantuka perform Mass Saturday (Easter Vigil Mass), from 18:00 pm. "At this time the church bells be rung again," said Diana. Furthermore, over the Easter ritual ceremonies. Sunday Mass conducted three times, at 06:00, 08:00 and 16.00 pm.

Easter ritual ends with a Mass at Larantuka. Residents return home afterwards unwind. "Remarkably, during the ethnic and religious rituals throughout the series of Easter processions, all the people excited and physically strong. While it afterwards, the body feels tired and most residents enjoy the break after Sunday Mass," lid Dian.



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