A. Jambi Traditional Clothes
Jambi is the designation for the people who inhabit the area along the river Batang Hari, Jambi province. In the women dressed daily at first only known with a cloth and a sleeveless shirt. While the men wore trousers and a half wide in the field of his calf and usually black, so that more freedom of motion in performing activities of daily activities. Clothing for men is equipped with a cap as a head cover. In the next development known as the traditional clothes. Custom clothing is more luxurious than everyday clothes are decorated with gold thread embroidery and the use of jewelry as a complement.
B. Custom Men Clothing
Men Jambi tribe in traditional dress to wear in head.Lacak track is made of: red velvet cloth that was given in dalammnya thick paper for making it hard. Headgear has a towering two parts, with a higher julangan on the front. For decoration there were paintings of flora from the leaves, flower stalks that will bloom clan. The edge of the right given the paintings runci rope, which is offset by Bungo runci placement on the left. Bungo is white runci strung together with thread, can be either original or imitation flowers. Her dress is long sleeved baju kurung responsibility. Called responsibility because length is only slightly below the elbow is not up to the wrist. This implies one must be agile fixation and deft in doing any work. The material is made of red velvet embroidery threads are there middle emas.Bagian studded flower or flower motifs tagapo and jasmine flowers, while the edges motivated berangkai flower or bud shoots. Closing the bottom called cangge (pants). The material is still equipped with a velvet rope as a belt. Traditionally in Jambi area songket wear sarongs wrapped around the hips. Close the chest called the lotus chest, because of its shape like a lotus flower mounted so as to resemble a circular neck collar. Second hand decorated bracelet flash metallic shoulder berlukiskan dye yellow dragon. This dragon painting meaning if someone has been given the power not to be disturbed. Also bears a cross body sling made from red songket purplefish as a pair of cloth gloves with floral relay berangkai clan. The waist decorated with a thin pink scarf that at the end of appendix-appendix tip yellow. To strengthen the waist is used pending a chain with a belt as a head made of metal. Completeness is another clan dagger slippers. Usually inserted in the abdomen menyerong to the right symbolizes the greatness as well as a precaution. Meanwhile, slippers or footwear in the form of half a shoe serves to protect the feet when berjaalan.
C. Indigenous Women's Clothing
Clothing for women consisting of fixation and scarves sarongs songket songket red. Her dress is called baju kurung bear motif embroidered in gold thread with jasmine flowers, flower tagapo, bamboo shoots and shoots. Close called pesangkon head made of red velvet fabric with the inside of cardboard given to hard. There is also a mention of pandanus thorns because on the front of this ornate headgear of thorn-shaped yellow metal pandan. To further beautify given a gold embroidered with floral jasmine burst. Completeness of women's clothing more than those worn by men. In women worn earrings or rice pestle with a butterfly motif or bracelet banjo. Necklace consists of three types, namely necklaces footprint, Jayo necklace or bracelet and necklace chains nine storey. In the attached ring fingers and a ring full bloodsucker deer or dragonflies. The number of bands who wear the bracelet any more lightning shoulder covering each arm of two pieces. Was coupled with canoe bracelet, bangles and bracelets flat load books. All of the pairs in the arm. Especially for the load of books bracelet gem material comes from the white. As for the feet worn bracelets Nago betapo and coiled snake bracelet. So called because its shape which resembles a sleeping dragon in the fairy clan snake coiled to form spheres. While elements of the other fittings such as lotus chest (closed chest), pending and belt (belt), scarves, and slippers almost the same as that worn man. The difference form the larger motif on the chest and pending lotus.
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