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Meru Betiri Save "Treasure"

From the wealth of flora and fauna, Meru Betiri bring stories of prosperity over the centuries. Piece of forest in the southern part of Java is prosperous man of wealth of medicinal plants, plantation, to its role in global carbon trading.

"Treasure trove" Betiri Meru National Park (national park) located in Jember, East Java, had been seen since the beginning of our trace-Sukamade Sarongan track with 4WD car late March.

Tree kluwak, ketapan, tamarind, and other trees combined with the arm span of shrubs and winding journey adorned java rattan for two hours. Occasionally long-tailed monkey hordes seen swinging in the trees looking for food in trees Cermai.

In addition to monkeys, this area also became the habitat of endangered animals. Turtle is a unique wildlife Meru Betiri. Endangered turtles like the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) ditangkarkan Sukamade Coast, the east end of Meru Betiri. "Only in Cote Sukamade turtles would lay their eggs. This beach is their habitat since the first, "said Aulya (20), Bogor Agricultural University student, turtle researchers.

We met with Aulya when he was busy scrambling eggs with turtle Chelonia mydas, green sea turtles of the pan diameter of 50 centimeters. Aulya hassles eggs reached the parent who is being dumped on the banks of Sukamade Beach.

Some friends sekampusnya also captivated by the Meru Betiri. They studied other animals such as bison and deer. Both animals were also berhabitat rare in lowland tropical forests and share it with porcupine, leopard, anteater, and bobcat.

Long before the present, wealth of wildlife and natural forests is more advance Meru Betiri captivate the Dutch Government. Based on historical data TNMB, the Netherlands has made Meru Betiri as areas that must be preserved in 1929. The consideration for forest ecosystems and natural resources in the forest of 58,000 hectares is maintained. Includes a wealth of treasure that time and also later eras.

Meru Betiri also a medicinal plant research center. Of the 518 species of plants successfully inventoried TNMB, as many as 239 species of them are medicinal plants.

Biologist University of Jember, Harry Sulistyowati, the last two years Meru Betiri biota inventoried wealth. He studied plants in the five-block area located in Meru Bandealit Betiri west.

The result of inventory during the two years that surprised him. "The result is 75 percent growth in five blocks of Meru Betiri are medicinal plants, some even rare," he said.

Betiri Meru forest endemic plants, ie chili Java (Piper retrofractum Vahl), are examples of rare medicinal plants. According to a study made by the national park, plant this shrub is used as a treatment of postpartum and diarrhea.

In addition to green chili, there are many more species identified as medicinal plants. Among Pollia sp herbs, which can be used as a medicine for heart disease; Vernonia cinerea or mustard sky, which can be used to treat cancerous lymph nodes; and Lunasia amara Blanco or Sanrego, which can be used as aprodisiak.

Bidan Eko Jinem are citizens who feel directly Meru Betiri wealth of medicinal plants. In the courtyard of his house in the village of Curahnongko, District Tempurejo, Jember, Eko planting various crops forest Betiri Meru.

Since 15 years ago, he made a concoction of medicinal plants. Concoction was given to patients after delivery.

Rubber plantation in the forest behind

Meru Betiri wealth was not only chili java or leatherback turtles. Behind the thick forests of Meru Betiri hidden stretch of old rubber plantation complete with perkampungannya Dutch heritage.

Before designated as protected areas, Meru Betiri indeed been opened by the Dutch as one of the new plantation site.

The plantation workers came from Madura and other regions to manage the plantation of rubber, coffee, and cocoa. Rubber processing factory was opened for direct processing of plantation products. Meru Betiri plantation products as long as it helped to enliven the European market.

Time triumph of the Dutch plantations were still being tracked even if the plantation is not an area used to be. Area of ​​plantations according to Production Manager and Administration in New Sukamade Plantation, Solomon, has been reduced from 1,000 hectares to 600 hectares. About 400 hectares can not be planted because of natural changes, such as eroded stream.

Rubber factory in the 19th century was still operating. Residents who used to work on plantations, hereditary, passing the job to their children and grandchildren. Head of Sub-Division of Administration TNMB Mustafa Imran Lubis said the plantation area that is now privately managed it until now survive in the area TNMB. After approximately a century, the contract right to cultivate the plantation will end 2023.

Bambang Darmodjo, Chief TNMB, said that since last year held the measurement of the impact of global warming on forests. Meru Betiri now become an important asset global carbon trading.


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