I decided to rent a car to reach Karangasem, due to distance and takes approximately 2-3 hours from the city of Denpasar. I rented Karimun Estillo, other than I just go out and also this car is extremely fuel efficient. So I think this is the car that fit to accompany us deepen Karangasem.
I depart from Denpasar at 11.00 pm and arrive in Karangasem Kabubaten approximately at 13.00. Previously I had lunch at Sanur Beach, Sanur Beach one because of the direct route to the Karangasem regency. We ate in the dining Warung Mak Beng, said the shop is very famous for its delicious fish soup and fried fish.
Likewise ever eat at the stall even this many famous people you know. Seen from the photos - the photos on display by the innkeeper. Each went to Bali, it's not illegal if you do not stop at the Warung Mak Beng Eat. Located at the entrance to Sanur beach, ask a parking, they would know. Then after a belly full of fish filled the sea, travel route information with the rather long but fairly easy route, especially views that are served during the trip was wonderful.
Pura Goa Lawah
Our arrival in Karangasem, we decided to look for lodging in advance, so that we can ask the locals about the route - a route which I will go through to get to places - places tourism tomorrow. But before, I had stopped at a temple located in the village Pesinggahan, District of Dawan, Klungkung. Pura Goa Lawah or Bat Cave Temple is a temple to worship God as Lord of the Sea.
I am interested to capture some moments of activity in the cave. And sure enough, inside the temple complex is a lot of people are praying and preparing offerings for worship. There are too lho foreign tourists who come to pray. Previously when the front door, we were required to wear the cloth, and for women who are menstruating or coming months are not allowed to enter the temple area to maintain the sanctity of places of worship. For an entrance fee per person charged Rp 6,000.
Hindus in Bali generally perform as the closing ceremony of Mount Nyegara Wedana Atma ceremony also called Nyekah, Memukur or Maligia. This ceremony serves as a statement in a sacred ritual that atman diupacarai families that have reached Dewa Pitara. Mount Nyegara ceremony was generally performed at Pura Goa Lawah and Pura Besakih Pura Goa one of them to the King.
Once satisfied to get a little story about the history of Goa Lawah and of course the picture - draw a picture that I've just caught in my digital camera, so we continued our journey to the inn in the area of ​​Candi Dasa. Our inn is quite simple but very beautiful and clean of course, the price of Rp 125,000 per night, we stayed 2 days 1 night.
At first we wanted a room overlooking the sea directly, because the inn does have a sea view facilities, but due to fully booked, so yes we should be satisfied with the existing room. With the scout by the employee lodging, us through the rocky path to get to our room. We are quite satisfied with the facilities and cleanliness of our inn. After a short rest, we continued our journey to a place - the sights, because it was already afternoon, we decided to go to one place only ie tourism Tirtagangga Park
Park Tirtagangga Tirtangga Park Located in the village of Abang, Abang District just 6 km north of Amlapura. Tirtagangga founded in 1948 by King of Karangasem last used as a resting place of the royal family. Its architecture is a guide between Europe, China and traditional Balinese architecture. Surrounded by very beautiful panorama makes Tirtagangga is a very important purpose for the visit.
King of Karangasem Architectural heritage park is very beautiful to be a landscape object. Oya because of its history this park is the bathing place of the daughters of the king, so the tourists were allowed to bathe and swim in the swimming baths. Unfortunately, I did not bring toiletries so I can not enjoy the cool water directly from these mountains.
Finally, dinner time arrived. We ate in one restaurant on Jl. Raya Candi Dasa, which is located only approximately 500 meters from our inn. This restaurant presents Legong dance when we're eating dinner. Unfortunately, most restaurants in Candi Dasa offers an international menu, probably because most who visited this place was the foreign tourists who want a different atmosphere from the other side of the island of Bali.
The second day in Karangasem regency I start the day by enjoying breakfast with sea views from the inn. The sight that I will rarely find in Jakarta. After breakfast we decided to check out all of the inn, because we will come to two tourist attractions, and will immediately return to Denpasar, and then after all settled we began to spur the administration Karimun Estillo rented to the first sights on the second day, Soekada Taman Ujung.
Taman Ujung Ujung Soekada Soekasada Park or Park End was founded in 1919 by the last King of Karangasem, I Gusti Bagus Jelantik, located in the village Tumbu, who was used as a place perisitirahatan King of Karangasem. Park End was built to welcome and serve guests - dignitaries and kings - the king of neighboring countries, as well as a place for the king and royal family. Because of its beauty Taman Ujung referred to as "Water Palace".
Park Edge Construction architecture has similarities with Water Park Tirtagangga and Puri Agung Karangasem. What distinguishes Taman Ujung with Tirtagangga Park is a spacious garden and residence of King at the time. Room - a room at Taman Ujung occupied by a large family of the King of Karangasem Bali berasitektur-European. But of course the beauty of this park is not less beautiful with Tirtagangga Park, even if I may say, Park End is very beautiful scenery.
There is a supreme place in this park that my assumption is where the King to meet with the people, where we have to climb the stairs about 150 stairs to get to the place, from this high ground we could see amazing views of the sea with a verdant forest , the beauty of Mount Agung combined with the green rice fields. Once satisfied documenting historic buildings in the Park End, I continue my trip to a village located about 5 km north of Candidasa.
Pengrisingan Tenganan Village Bali Asli Village Tenganan is known as the Bali Aga. Located about 5 km north of Candidasa. Tenganan very famous for its cultural and traditional customs of Bali. Religious rituals by which they set their own calendar and is different from most other Balinese society. This village is also the only place where people will find fabric called Ikat Gringsing the process pewarnaanya using traditional colors.
Unfortunately when I arrived, they were not processing the cloth - the cloth, we simply seeing the results from the traditional weaving and coloring. But we still see many Balinese cultural diversity of pristine in this village. As a middle-aged father who constantly play the traditional instruments of Bali, beliaupun memperihatkan the work of their instruments to us, it turns out not only that, inside the house we thought was a small and narrow, it turns out when we go deeper there is a lot of results - results Balinese batik cloth that number tens.
We briefly explain how they make batik with traditional Balinese style and motif - a variety of motives, such as for example there is a motif of batik cloth tells the story of the Ramayana story. Not only that, after I get out of the house Mr. earlier music player (I forget menyanyakan what's his name) I see teenagers who were painting.
Uniquely they paint on palm leaves and do not use pencils or stationery in the usual, but use the cutter eye, and scratches from eye cutter that has been carved above the leaves on topical kluwek, ingredients for cooking rawon the black with his hands and the end result timbulah scratches - scratches from eye cutter earlier. Craft is very unique for me. You know I bought one of their works, although not large in size, because the price is also quite expensive painting.
Architecture in this environment is still very real, the house - his house is only visible door to fit one person, but if we had entered into, the extent can not measure. It also shaped the village land terracing, so we travel up and down like climbing a hill. Anyway, there's one more uniqueness in this village. Generally, if we raise animals buffalo, they were in cages, but not this village. Buffalos are left on their home page, and I see the children who live in these areas often play with these buffalos. They ride without any fear whatsoever.
To enter this village will cost voluntarily withdrawn, seikhlasnya only. Perhaps for the benefit of rural development.
It was growing late, and then we were back to Denpasar. Once again enjoy the cool air that we rarely get in Jakarta, we decided not to use air conditioning during the trip. Actually there are many more tourist attractions in Karangasem, but we race against time, but we are quite satisfied with the trip this time to the Karangasem.
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