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Witnessing the beauty of Toraja Batutumongga

Batutumongga may be one of nature tourism destination choice while you visit Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi. Batutumonga located on the slopes of Mount Sesean which is the highest mountain in Toraja. The mountain is crowned as the best place to witness the beauty of Tana Toraja including height Rantepao city panorama.

Being in Batutumongga, you can breathe in the fresh mountain air while enjoying the natural panorama that stretches underneath. The stones are scattered graves and traditional houses and fields that extend into the spectacular scenery of the Batutumongga stare.
In the distance, seemed also spans Rantepao Town, the capital of North Toraja district is also the entrance to the area is a fertile and prosperous. Rantepao is approximately 20 km or about 1-1.5 hours drive drive. When Batutumongga morning mist and a bunch of white clouds that wrapped the sky Tana Toraja will present the impression as if you are in the land of clouds.
All the charm of the sights you can enjoy while sipping a warm Toraja coffee or a light meal snack in the coffee shop who seemed to know exactly from the point where the most beautiful scenery can be looked at.

Some homestays are also available in Batutumongga, ready to welcome those who want to spend the night in a beautiful natural mountain stillness and calm. Crickets will probably be the only song that you hear at night in Batutumongga.

Being among the hills, the road can not be said to be smooth Batutumongga. Climbing and winding paths is a challenge that must be faced before you can enjoy the natural beauty of the heights of Mount Sesean Rantepao.
Along the way, the beautiful tropical scenery scenic will soothe your eyes. Arriving at Batutumongga, landscapes such as green rice fields landscape can be enjoyed in March and April. If do not want to miss a paddy field with rice begins to turn yellow then came to Batutumongga in July or August.

Enjoy the spectacular beauty that is at coffee shops located in Batutumongga. Some coffee shops have a strategic point to make you grateful and lucky to be able to enjoy the exotic tropical nature of the Toraja.

Batutumongga located about 2 km or a 30 minute walk from Lokomata. In Lokomata, in addition to witness the traditional life of rural people Toraja, the graves in the giant stones were also seen at some point in the road.

Giant rocks are perforated to keep the body relative is even located on the motorway, presenting different views of the same stone tombs in the cliffs Londa and Lemo.

Still in the area of ​​Mount Sesean, you can also visit Bori. Rante (term for burial place) is the mainstay attractions and major in Bori. In Rante, there is a stone megalith menhir or numbering approximately 102 with varying sizes; 24 menhirs are large, 24 medium and 54 other relatively small menhir.
The existence of menhir stone at this location is to honor community leaders who died. But not just anyone can be made or referred Simbuang menhir stones. Simbuang stones are made only for those who meet Sapurandanan Rapasan level, which is the state where the buffalo were cut at the funeral of at least 24 individuals.

The tradition of making stone Simbuang has practiced since hundreds of years ago. Based on the record, the first time being used as Bori ceremonies in 1657. When it was reportedly around 100 buffaloes were sacrificed and the two stones erected Simbuang funeral Ne'Ramba '.

 In 1807, about 200 buffaloes were sacrificed and 5 Simbuang stones erected at the funeral Tonapa Ne'Padda '. Menhir largest and highest in the region supposedly founded in 1935 at the funeral Lai Datu (Ne 'Kase'). Menhir established in Bori last recorded in 1962 at the funeral Sa'pang (Ne'Lai).

To go Batutumongga, there are two ways of transportation options. First, minibus or a minibus ride can be found in the Market Bolu. Second, rent a car that will take you to the location.
Path way to Batutumongga fairly easy with no contour shape and winding uphill road. However, views on the worth fighting the uphill journey approximately 1-1.5 hours drive.

Indonesia Travel


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