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Volcano peek Beauty & Marine Park Dazzled

Manado Tua Island with Bunaken Island, Siladen, Mantehage, and Nani is a group of islands that make up the National Park Bunaken - Manado. Approximately 89 065 hectares of the national park is located not far from the city of Manado, capital of North Sulawesi province. Waters in this area has spectacular panoramic underwater so it is not wrong if it hosted the first World Ocean Conference in 2009.

Bunaken - Manado is one spectacular dive sites in the world . Islands close to each other but separated by a deep trench 1,200 meters. The waters of these islands is water that is free from garbage and other waste pollution usually comes from the city. This national park is protected from various types of fishing and reef fishing especially well with the use of explosives, as reported from Indonesia Travel.

Manado Tua Island can be reached by boat approximately one hour from downtown Manado is about 10 miles from the city of Manado. Manado Tua Island different from other islands in Bunaken - Manado. Different because of the volcano covered with green trees and shade. Plains were in the water with a slope of 5 to 30 meters and split a rock wall with a depth of 25 to 50 meters into the sea floor and a large cave. Sambangi directly and see for yourself how the park is truly amazing.

Manado Tua Island in addition to having a perfect sea gardens and rich marine life , also has a history of tribal existence Bowontehu related . According to historical records , the tribe is already on the island of Manado Tua approximately 1623. Formerly the island of Manado Tua Bowontehu inhabited by tribes , the island is known as Manarow and people from ethnic Sangir old .

The island has about 3,200 inhabitants and mostly subsistence farmers and fishermen. Manado Tua has an active community to preserve damaged reefs with the help of the local government. The reefs here can be a shelter small fish from predators. Nusantara Diving Club organized in 1985 aims to urge the Ministry of Environment to undertake the protection and preservation of the variety of marine life in the waters of Manado Tua.

Manado Tua Island has a tropical climate with rainfall ranging between 2000-3000 mm per year . Marine park itself is inhabited variety of rare marine life including dugongs, dolphins and various species of ornamental fish such as Hippocampus sp, giant clams, as well as hawksbill and green turtles . For this type of coral are dominated by Pocilopora sp, sp Seriaattopora, Pachyseris sp, Porites sp, Fungia sp, sp Herpolitha, Holomitra sp, sp Galaxea, Pectinia sp, sp Lobophyllia, Echinopora sp, and Tubastrea sp.

Both on land and under the sea , Manado Tua has outstanding views . In its waters you can find large fish such as napoleon wrasse, giant trevally, eaglerays, snappers, and groupers. Currents in the waters of Manado Tua sometimes quite strong, experienced divers only be allowed to dive here.

On the east coast of Manado Tua is in Cape Coral Coffee precisely in the plains below the sea there is a fish and Blacktail barracuda barracuda, as well as a large number of schools of fish. Tanjung Coffee is also a place where hundreds of turtles laying eggs on the full moon.

For those of you who can not swim can do snorkeling and watch the underwater life which is decorated with various types of marine life by using a glass submarine. In this island there is also a place for jogging, mountain bikes and camping facilities.

Other tourist activities to do in this place, among others enjoying the park with a boat ride around the mirror (catamarans), underwater photography, as well as recreational water sports such as sailing boat ( boating screen ), and jet skis.

For land activities you can enjoy a panoramic view of Manado Tua with touring, camping, jogging, biking, hiking and sunbathing. Manado Tua Island is also famous for its views of the sun rising and setting of the charming.

Time to yourself to get up in the morning to jog while waiting for the sun rises on the eastern horizon. In the afternoon after finished diving , snorkeling and boat around the island, you can relax on the beach waiting for sunset golden brown, looks beautiful when captured with your camera.


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