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Architecture Fort Marlborough

Citadel is a military locations or buildings erected specifically, reinforced and covered used to protect an installation, area, troops from enemy attack or for control of an area.

Some Marlborough fort building components include:

Revaline is angled three defense building, generally located at the top of the trench in front curtine connected by bridge to the fort buildings. At Marlborough fort, part revaline initially serves as a defense. However, during later functioned as well as social facilities. This is evidenced by the three pieces of the tomb is the tomb of Thomas Parr, Charles Murray and Robert Hamilton. In addition to the three tombs tesebut there are also four plaque is in English pasted on the walls of the entrance gate that reads: George Thomas Shaw, who died on 25 April 1704, Richard Watts, who died December 17, 1705 at the age of 44 years, Henry Stirling who died in April 1744 at the age of 25 years and Capt. James Coney, who died in February 1737 at the age of 36 years.

Outside the building there is a moat around the castle with a moat depth of 1-3 meters and a width of 7 meters. The roving ditch used as a first defense against enemy attacks and disposal of water flow from the fortress. To connect with curtine part revaline built a bridge as a link. Curtine a major defensive wall revaline a fortress located between two bastions.

Bastion is the part that juts out located at each corner of the fort. Keletakannya allows one to shoot without having to show himself and can shoot in any direction freely. Was first developed by the Italians in the late fifteenth century and early sixteenth century. At Fort Marlborough there are four bastions that bastion northern, eastern bastion, bastion southern and western bastion. Bastion West had a room that functioned as a prison as much as two-room and basement.

Building between the eastern and southern bastions, there are 5 rooms with connecting doors that overall as much as 13 pieces shaped door bars. Building the southern bastion and bastion west is divided into two sections separated by a hallway main gate. Buildings west side consists of three rooms separated by a partition wall. Building east, there are seven rooms were constrained by the bulkhead wall. Building between western and northern bastion currently only trace of the former floor of the building, the shape of the building can not be unknown anymore. Building between the north and eastern bastion is divided into two buildings separated by a hallway behind the gate. On the west side door of the building consists of three rooms. Building the east side of the door consists of 4 rooms.

At Fort Marlborough there are four turrets at the top of the bastion. Each one cannon on bastion to the north and south, two cannons in eastern bastion, with the kind of caliber cannon 10 cm.

Fort Marlborough function as the center of defense at the time of the UK to be reduced, and functioned as a trading base. This was shown in 1803 the EIC Board decided to make Fort Marlborough as a center for spice stockpiling of English throughout the East Indies.


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