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Maluku (Moluccas)

Maluku/Moluccas has underwater park is very beautiful, charming tropical beaches and volcanic mountains surrounded by woods. The island is an island famous rempahyang spices and has attracted many traders from India, China, Arab, and Europe to seek cloves and nutmeg. In 1511, the Portuguese built a fort on the island of Ternate their first, and managed to monopolize the clove trade. The arrival of the Dutch in 1599, is a serious threat to that control natural wealth Pourtugis embarrassment. Armed conflict broke out, they take great customs of the people of Maluku. The Dutch finally emerged as the winner, then they monopolize trade with an iron hand. Entire villages were razed to the ground and thousands peduduk dead island, especially on the island of Banda. The British then occupied Maluku during the Napoleonic Wars, but in 1814 returned and it was not until 1863 the cultivation of spices was abolished in the province.

Currently the fish and other marine products are the main source of income of the people of Maluku. There are also nickel, oil, manganese, and various types of wood as a commodity area.


The main entrance is through the Moluccas to the provincial capital Ambondengan regular flights from most parts of the archipelago. Air and sea transport linking the islands with 79 ports and 25 airports. There is also access to many remote islands are interesting to visit.


The name comes from the Arabic Maluku estimated that 'Jazirat al-Muluk', which means the land of kings. This is possible because Maluku kingdoms such as Ternate, Tidore, Bacan, and others. Kora-kora, is their famous fleet strong, equipped with war canoes were able to explore the Sulawesi Sea and Alaska when their golden years. The king get their wealth of spices, especially cloves. At that time the price of cloves and spices are very expensive because of its ability to preserve food not like now with the refrigerator.

When the spices are also used as a medicine and Europe this plant can not grow. Shipping spices to Europe must pass through these complicated, this is what causes the price becomes very expensive. Then the Europeans think the price of spices would be cheaper if they come directly to the place of origin. From this a kolonialismepun era began.

Portuguese came the first time in 1510 danmereka trying to monopolize trade in the Moluccas. Next came Spain and both had to contend with opposition kingdom of Ternate and Tidore until not long before they give up.

Dutch then came up with the provision of financial and persenjatan more good.They also experienced in the administration of trade and harder against the people of Maluku. Residents who refuse to cooperate in the Banda islands were slaughtered ruthlessly, and partly employed as slaves.

During the fall of VOC, Britain then ruled here for a year but this is problematic because the British smuggled from Maluku seeds to be planted in Malaysia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). As a result, no longer the center of Maluku spice for search of spices can be found in other places closer.


Many seafood can be found here. Try the grilled or baked fish while you enjoy a beautiful view of the Moluccas.
Fish rice (rice and fish meal) is also worth a try.
If you are interested in trying to concoct a meal in itself, it can buy fresh ingredients at the nearest supermarket and small shops.


Historically Moluccan community is very diverse, consisting of a nation Malay, Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, Bugis and Javanese. Ua-ulu community chose not dressed traditionally where men can be identified with a red head cover.
tourist agency

Department of Culture and Tourism Prov. Moluccas
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Batu Merah, Ambon
Tel. (62-911) 312300
Fax. (62-911) 352471


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